2024-02-07 20:49:00

Radionice AquaLab za učenike/AquaLab workshop for students

Danas se u sklopu projekta BioMOZAIK Krš i more održala radionica AquaLab za učenike od 5. do 8. razreda.

Today, as part of the BioMOZAIK Karst and Sea project, an AquaLab workshow for students from 5th to 8th grade was held.

Učenici su istraživačkim pristupom izvodili pokuse o nekim svojstvima vode kao npr. gustoća vode i utjecaj temperature vode na morske struje, površinska napetost, otopljene tvari u slatkoj i slanoj vodi. 

Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima:






The students conducted research experiments examining some properties of water such as water density, the effect of water temperature on sea currents, surface tension and dissolved matter in salt and fresh water.

More information on the financial mechanisms and the programs at the following links:





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