2024-02-23 16:03:00

Uvod u robotiku II - radionica za učitelje/Introduction to robotics II workshop for teachers

Nastavljamo s edukacijom učitelja u robotici kroz projekt BioMOZAIK Krš i more.

We continue with the education of teachers through the BioMOZAIK Karst and Sea project.

U ovoj radionici ponovili smo sastavljanje osnovnih dijelova u robota i pripremu jednostavnog programa od prošlog puta te nastavili sa sastavljanjem i programiranjem vozila uz pomoć predavača iz Centra izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.

Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima:






With this workshop we revised how to assemble the basic parts of the robot and how to write a simple program from last time as well as continued with the assembly and programing of the vehicle together with the lecturers from the Centre of Excellence of the Split-Dalmatia County.

More information on the financial mechanisms and the programs at the following links:






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Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Cista Velika