2024-04-29 10:04:00

Studijski posjet u Norveškoj / Study visit to Norway

Od 22. do 25. travnja 2024., u sklopu projekta BioMOZAIK Krš i more, učitelji iz partnerskih škola bili su na studijskom posjetu Norveškom sveučilištu znanosti i tehnologije u Trondheimu, NTNU.

From April 22 to 25, 2024, as part of the BioMOZAIK Krst and Sea project, teachers from partner schools were on a study visit to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, NTNU.

Cilj posjeta bio je stjecanje novih znanja i uvid u primjere dobre prakse iz STEM područja. Učitelji su sudjelovali  na zanimljivim  predavanjima i  radionicama koje su ima održali predavači Skolelaboriet, dijela sveučilišta namijenjenog cjeloživotnom obrazovanju učitelja i nastavnika iz STEM područja.

Teme predavanja i radionica:

Microplastics, bioplastics and the environment: Engaging pupils in environmental solutions - Jussi Evertsen, assistant professor & Marine, biologist

Inquiry and pendulums - Berit Bungum & Nils Kristian Rossing

Magical pendulums and energy, Nils Kristian Rossing, associate professor; Science education

Exploring electric circuits and energy, Bojana Gajic, associate Professor; engineering education

Making your own DNA necklace, Ingeborg Berg, assistant professor.

Ostale aktivnosti obuhvatile su posjet muzeju znanosti Vitensenteret, koji svojim brojnim eksponatima i 3D planterijem popularizira prirodne znanosti, te muzej Sveučilišta NTNU - Vitenskapsmuseet koji sadrži bogate zbirke iz zoologije, botanike i geologije.


Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima:





The goal of the visit was to gain new knowledge and to see examples of good practice in the STEM field. Teachers participated in interesting lectures and workshops held by lecturers of Skolelaboriet, a part of the university dedicated to the lifelong education of teachers in the STEM field.

Topics of lectures and workshops:

Microplastics, bioplastics and the environment: Engaging pupils in environmental solutions - Jussi Evertsen, assistant professor & Marine, biologist

Inquiry and pendulums - Berit Bungum & Nils Kristian Rossing

Magical pendulums and energy, Nils Kristian Rossing, associate professor; Science education

Exploring electric circuits and energy, Bojana Gajic, associate Professor; engineering education

Making your own DNA necklace, Ingeborg Berg, assistant professor.

Other activities included a visit to the Vitensenteret science museum, which popularizes natural sciences with its numerous exhibits and 3D planteries, and the NTNU University museum - Vitenskapsmuseet, which contains rich collections from zoology, botany and geology.

More information on financial mechanisms and programs:






Osnovna škola "Ivan Goran Kovačić" Cista Velika